Tag Archives: conference

Flux Congress presentations 2016 in St. Louis

Congratulations to the members from our lab who will be presenting at the annual Flux Congress on September 8-10 in St. Louis, MO!

  • Lee, T.H., Miernicki, M., & Telzer, E.H.: Resting-state connectome similarity in mother-child dyads and its impact on emotional synchrony
  • McCormick, E.M. & Telzer, E.H.: Two roads diverge: context-specific outcomes associated with decreased neural sensitivity to negative feedback during adolescence.
  • Perino, M.T., Guassi Moreira, J.F., & Telzer, E.H.: Different strokes: How social context differentially influences inhibitory failures in normative and high-risk adolescents.
  • Guassi Moreira, J.F., & Telzer, E.H.: Tracking longitudinal changes of maternal influence on adolescent neurocognition during risk- taking
  • Do, K.T., McCormick, E.M., & Telzer, E.H.: Parents versus peers: Characterizing the neural correlates of conflicting social influence on adolescent attitudes

SANS Presentations 2016 in NYC

DSN Lab’s Tae-Ho Lee will be giving a talk at the annual meeting of the Social & Affective Neuroscience Society (SANS) conference on April 28-30 in New York, NY!

  • TITLE OF THE TALK: Parent-child relationship quality shapes neural pattern similarity between mothers and their child

Congratulations to the members from our lab who will also be presenting posters at the SANS conference!

  • Do, K.T., McCormick, E.M., & Telzer, E.H.: Developmental changes in prosocial behavior and reward circuitry to in- and out-groups from childhood through adolescence
  • Lin, L.C., Qu, Y., & Telzer, E.H.: Cultural differences in neural correlates of intergroup empathy
  • McCormick, E.M. & Telzer, E.H.: Adaptive adolescent flexibility: Decision-making in a risky context
  • Perino, M.T., Guassi Moreira, J.F., & Telzer, E.H.: Not deficient, just different: Increased activation of salience networks for bullies when viewing social exclusion